Applications for the Rotary National Science and Technology Forum close on 23 August 2024. The forum, held at the University of Auckland from 11-25 January 2025, is for year 12 students planning to study science in year 13. This highly regarded programme has a 30+ year history of providing high achieving, well-rounded year 12 Science, Technology and Mathematics students with one of the best experiences of their lives. For 14 days 168 like-minded students will explore tertiary-level Science, Technology and Mathematics. They will participate in lectures, laboratories and field stations, meeting industry leaders and visiting organisations across a range of sectors. To be selected students must be a New Zealand Citizen or hold Permanent Residency status in New Zealand, be a student in Year 12, who is considering tertiary study in New Zealand in Science, Mathematics and/or Technology and who wishes to pursue a career in these or aligned fields. The cost is $2,395 with sponsorship provided by Rotary Matamata. To apply the student will need to fill in FOUR PARTS by Friday 23 August 2024 on our new website - PART ONE: Complete and submit the online Application Base Data Form and save the email copy received as a PDF
- PART TWO: Complete the Application Supplementary Information Form and save as a PDF
- PART THREE: Complete the Applicant and Parent/Guardian Declaration Form online [make the form name a link to its location], print, sign, scan and save as a PDF
- PART FOUR: Email the three completed PDF documents, including two Supporting Letters, one from your Head of Science and one from local Rotary Club President
Applications for the Rotary National Science and Technology Forum close on 23 August 2024
Michelle Tanner
2024-08-15 12:00:00Z |
Join us for an informal young adults, information evening
Michelle Tanner
2024-04-08 12:00:00Z |
Firstly, to introduce myself – Roisin Mc Quillan, hailing from a little place called Donacarney in County Meath in eastern Ireland about 40 km north of Dublin. I’m the eldest of five - 3 sisters and a brother! – the poor guy. Living on a farm and always having an interest in animals and science, it was inevitable that I would end up working with four-legged creatures.
Who are we? Roisin Mc Quillan
2023-08-29 12:00:00Z |
On the 30th of June 1942 I was born into a working-class family in Battersea – London (Close to the iconic power station). During my school years I studied for GCE “O” and “A” level. I was a school prefect, then head boy and captain of the school football team.
Who are we? Ray Coote
Ray Coote
2023-08-10 12:00:00Z |
Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Posted on Jul 13, 2023
I was born and raised in Te Poi on a farm that now has the fourth generation farming it. I was educated at local schools and started my working life at Stanley Construction, Matamata, as the first woman to do a joinery apprenticeship in the Waikato. I have gone on to work in farming, newspaper, manufacturing and currently work for a local business called Mimico as their Warranty Administrator.
Who are we? Jane Belton
Jane Belton
2023-07-12 12:00:00Z |
Jane Belton,Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Written by Michelle Tanner. Sandra is one of those rare people, a real listener, someone who makes you feel what you are saying is important. A journalist of many years it was only after I conducted this informal interview that I thought I should have been nervous about it beforehand. Sandra is an expert interviewer! I wanted to write about Sandra as part of our Rotary Matamata website page ‘About Us’, profiling Matamata Rotarians. We met one spring morning in a local Matamata café in 2022.
Interview with Honorary Rotarian Sandra Hunter
Michelle Tanner
2022-11-17 11:00:00Z |
EndPolioNow,Matamata Rotarian Profiles,Sandra Hunter |
Rotary Matamata has been serving communities near and far since 1922. We are planning formal and informal celebrations, a book, media coverage and more. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more information and please email us if you have any ideas or historical material you would like to share.
It's our birthday!
Michelle Tanner
2022-02-24 11:00:00Z |
75 years of service,Celebrating 75 years,Rotary Matamata |
Posted by Michelle Tanner
Matamata has an active and friendly Inner Wheel closely associated with Rotary Matamata Inner Wheel is an International organisation whose objectives are: - to promote true friendship - to encourage the ideals of personal service - to foster international understanding
Inner Wheel Matamata 2021-22
Michelle Tanner
2021-08-03 12:00:00Z |
innerwheel |
Want an excellent way to promote Rotary in this our special Centennial year? Rotary Matamata has produced a number plate surround that allows Rotarians from around the country to mark this special occasion in a lasting way. Rotary is celebrating the establishment of the first clubs in New Zealand and Australia in 1921 (Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne and Sydney). 100 years on Rotary is more diverse and community-focused than ever but still faces challenges to be recognised for the work we do. Rotary Matamata project co-ordinator David Hulme says the plate surrounds are an excellent way to promote Rotary’s 100 years of service in New Zealand, both in this the 100th year and in years to come.
Rotary Centenary Car Number Plate Surround Fundraiser
David Hulme
2021-02-17 11:00:00Z |
Car Number Plate,Rotary,Rotary Car Plate Surrounds,Rotary Matamata |
Did you know you can buy your real Christmas tree AND support communities locally and worldwide? How? By buying a Rotary Christmas tree this year. Christmas trees can be purchased: - throughout December at Four Seasons and Kaimai garden centres and Pippins florist
- outside Mitre 10, 9am – 1pm on Saturdays 5th, 12th and 19th December and,
- at Matamata market on 12th December
A BIG THANK YOU TO THE LOCAL BUSINESSES THAT SUPPORT ROTARY MATAMATA CHRISTMAS TREES Do you want to ‘give back’ to your community? Does Rotary sound like something you would like to get involved with? Come and meet us and see if Rotary Matamata is right for you.
Christmas Trees
Michelle Tanner
2020-12-04 11:00:00Z |
Christmas,Christmas Trees,Rotary Christmas Trees,Rotary Matamata |
It was to a very reluctant wife a number of years ago that I mentioned that, for a fund raiser Rotary Matamata could host a seafood dinner. It could be at our place and she could do the cooking! On writing this I can understand why she was reluctant. However, over the years I managed to wear her down and, with the intervention from another Rotarian, I set about offering the night to help support the Rotary club funds. I didn’t want it to be just Rotary members, as Rotarians give constantly throughout every year, so I started asking around to see if there would be some interest. 
Fish Dinner for Rotary (another great Clothier fundraiser!)
Henry Clothier
2020-04-14 12:00:00Z |
Fish dinner,Henry Clothier,Rotary Fundraiser |
Posted by Robbie Pearson on Nov 10, 2019
I joined Rotary in the early 1980s. In those days our regular committee meetings (which are held after a Rotary meeting, usually at a Rotarians home) where called “Fireside meetings”. One of the highlights for Gail and I as hosts is suppertime when we get to relax and chat after business has been attended to. On occasions we would serve Lamingtons, some of which were actually sponge rubber!! It was very interesting watching the initial reaction as Rotarians tucked in, then peals of laughter as some got real Lamingtons. One member politely put his bite into a napkin and then into his pocket! The late Don Stanley was recalling this with some of us not so long ago. For me the heart of Rotary is our local working bees and projects. These are always great fun. The first one I recall doing was laying foundations for the Intermediate School swimming pool. Bending up reinforcing steel and tying it together. Another was the Skate Park which the late Les Greenwell led with such passion. Since then I have always tried to participate. That’s the great thing about Rotary, you can participate in areas that interest you. I certainly believe in the Rotary Youth Exchange concept. Youth are our future. For their part, they bring vibrancy to Rotary and we members obviously assist them towards maturity in the opportunities given to them. Rotary has enriched my life. I am a quiet person. My fellow Rotarians have stood by me - particularly so, after our business went into voluntary receivership and club members were so encouraging when I took on the role of President.
Who are we? Robbie Pearson
Robbie Pearson
2019-11-09 11:00:00Z |
Matamata Rotarian Profiles,Robbie Pearson |
Posted by Merv King on Oct 23, 2019
Born 1936, I was schooled at Waharoa Primary, Morrinsville College and Matamata College. After which I served an electrical apprenticeship with Wallace Tong. In 1960 I married Janet Landells and we have 3 children. As an Anglican I served on the vestry for many years. I started my own electrical contracting business in 1964 and semi-retired in 2005. In 1960 I started King Manufacturing and still manage this today. During this time, I have done consultancy work and designed products for a major international milking machine producer. I joined Rotary Matamata in 1969 and have held most offices in the club over the years and my club has very generously awarded me a Paul Harris Fellowship as well as two Sapphire Pins. At a District level I have held the following positions: - Initial inter-district committee to establish the PolioPlus programme
- Two terms as Assistant Governor
- District Foundation Committee member
- Group Study Exchange Team Leader to the United Kingdom
- Three years on the District Outgoing Group Study Exchange Committee.
- Conference Organiser for District Governor Ted Coats in 1996
Recreation and interests over the years include cricket, rugby, tennis, squash, badminton, fishing, cycling, running, painting, singing in barbershop quartet, choirs and musical theatre shows, playing music in brass and dance bands. Rotary has immeasurably enhanced my life in friendship, education and satisfaction in helping others and is a pearl beyond price.
Who are we? Mervyn King
Merv King
2019-10-22 11:00:00Z |
Matamata Rotarian Profiles,Merv King |
Posted by Michelle Tanner on Oct 10, 2019
Rotary Matamata has always strongly supported our town's youth providing many opportunities for individual development. However, Matamata’s young people, and their parents, are frequently not aware of what is available. So here, we provide a one-stop shop of what is on offer. Please click the links provided for more information or contact us if you would like to know more. The details here are correct at time of publication. Please check District website links for current dates information
Rotary Matamata offers exciting opportunities for young people
Michelle Tanner
2019-10-09 11:00:00Z |
GRSP,Interact,Outward Bound,RYE,RYLA,RYPEN,Summer Science School,Walsh Flying School |
Posted by Milly Keys
Story as published in the Scene 1 October 2019 There was certainly no clowning about last Friday morning as Matamata Rotary members hit the streets with hundreds of home baked cupcakes. Every year, Matamata Rotarians and their significant others slip on a pinny, whip out the mixing bowls and get their bake on! For what you may ask...well that would be to raise much needed funds for Cure Kids and their biggest fundraising appeal, Red Nose Day. With the inaugural fundraiser in 1989, Red Nose Day has grown to become one of our country’s most recognised appeals. Held annually in September, the funds raised go to help fund big research for little lives.  Lt-Rt David Hulme, Amandine Gerlache, Wade Linnell and Job Bruins Rotary Director, David Hulme, was delighted by the support given to Rotary and Cure Kids. “We must give particular thanks to our fantastic business community who donated very generously this year” says David. “Each and every business that we visited gave a little something and, even if they didn’t want a cupcake, they still dug deep for the cause. This year saw a significant increase in the amount raised which was over $2,600.” Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbours, friends, leaders and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Rotary Nose How to Fundraise! (Red Nose Day)
Milly Keys
2019-10-07 11:00:00Z |
Cupcakes,CureKids,RedNoseDay |
Posted on Sep 30, 2019
My name is Amandine Gerlache. I am 17 years old and I from Celles a village of about 500 people near Dinant in Belgium. Celles is considered to be one of the most beautiful villages in all of Belgium! My sister, Stéphy was a Rotary Exchange student to Mexico two years ago and really enjoyed the year. It was a very positive experience for her and made me think I would like to do the same thing. I wanted to experience a different lifestyle; school, food, culture, scenery and be able to compare this with my life in Belgium. This would help me make decisions in my future life. I love sports. Everything. Especially volleyball, running, wake-boarding and water skiing. But most of all I love skiing. I joined the Scouts when I was six-years old and in 2018 became a Scout leader. My sister Stéphy is 20 years old and I have a younger brother, Arnaud who is 15 years old. Stéphy is at university studying bioengineering. My dad Danny, is a baker and our family own two patisseries. My mum Myriam is the manager. I occasionally work in the patisseries and also do some babysitting to earn money. I love travelling. In 2017 I went on a school trip to Burkina Faso to do volunteer work with the Red Cross, building and decorating a school for children from 7 to 15 years of age. The children were very happy but did not know any other life. However, it was shocking for me to see such poverty. The music and dancing were very interesting. I have had holidays with my family in; Poland, Spain, Mexico, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco and Iceland! But, my favourite place is New Zealand! One thing I love about doing an exchange is being able to live with New Zealand families and really experience life in this country. It is completely different to just having a holiday. My school day in Belgium is from 8.30am until 4pm except for Wednesday when I finish at 12md. I attend a Catholic College in Dinant of about 500 students. My cousin is a maths teacher there and she takes my brother and I to school. It is about a 15-minute drive. Next year I will study economics, maths and English as my optional subjects. My favourite is economics and last year I received a merit award in this subject! As part of my schooling next year I will also do a Red Cross First Aid and Resuscitation course. I look forward to meeting many people, making new friends and having lots of different experiences here in New Zealand. I am willing to try anything! My host families are very important to me and I am very grateful to them and to Rotary for giving me this experience. I am sure this year will be very important in my life.
Introducing our Rotary Youth Exchange student Amandine Gerlache
Michelle Tanner
2019-09-29 11:00:00Z |
Amandine Gerlache,Rotary Youth Exchange |
Posted on Sep 07, 2019
Ironically it was at a Rotary fundraising event following 9/11 in 2001, that I was approached by Rotarian Lachie Duncan about joining Rotary. So, I can honestly say it was a disaster that I joined Rotary! At that time, all I knew about Rotary was that it was a service club that met behind closed doors in the Matamata Memorial Centre. And so, my journey into Rotary began on 7 May 2002. I have had the honour of holding numerous roles in Rotary, including Rotary Matamata’s first woman President 2009-2010 (with a PINK theme for the year!), Rotary District 9930 Group Study Exchange Team Leader to District 5050 (British Columbia, Canada and Washington State, USA) in 2013 and 2017-2018 District 9930 Governor. I have always been very involved in my community and held various governance roles over the years including School Boards of Trustees 12 years, Trust Waikato 4 years, Waikato District Health Board 4 years, Matamata-Piako District Matamata Ward Councillor 12 years, The Heart Trust since 1995, and the Pohlen Hospital Trust Board since 2005. Each has been a significant journey, helping me develop leadership and governance skills.
Who are we? Leonie Tisch
Leonie Tisch
2019-09-06 12:00:00Z |
Leonie Tisch,Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Posted by Caron Stewart on Sep 05, 2019
Story as published in the Scene 3 September 2019 When Richard Metcalfe suggested Merv King was worthy of celebration due to his half century of service to Matamata Rotary, Merv matter of factly said it’s easy. “All you have to do is stay alive” he laughed! “Rotary has rewarded all our lives beyond all measure and being part of such an organisation has been an honour and a privilege. Anyway, I can’t stop now, my wife Janet has got out of the habit of cooking on a Tuesday night so what would I do for dinner?!”
Celebrating 50 years of service above self
Caron Stewart
2019-09-04 12:00:00Z |
50 years in Rotary,Merv King |
Posted by Michelle Tanner on Aug 28, 2019
Story published in The Scene 30 April 2019 In 2018 Matamata College Interact was looking for a project that would serve the Matamata Community. The result is a new half size basketball court which local sports celebrity Alex Bradley will formally open on Friday 3 May during the opening gala. Matamata College Interact, sponsored by Rotary Matamata, was launched in 2017 to give students the opportunity to serve their local community and others throughout the world. Their first project was to collect books which were distributed to primary schools in Pakistan and Nuie. For their next one they looked at local needs. They knew that break-ins to ‘the turf’ the courts at the College locked to protect their specialised surfaces, were a problem for the school. Principal Alan Munro was keen to provide a facility at the College that would be open to the public throughout the year. The concept of a reduce sized basketball court was born. Past Interact Presidents Brooke Dunbar and Patrick Roskam worked hard to secure funding from Rotary Matamata and Matamata College Sports Club and permission from the Board of Trustees. Students at the College planned the court and Interact, assisted by teacher Mike Hills secured generous support from Carey Concrete Services to build the court. Interact, under this year’s President Molly Burgess Munro and Service Projects Committee Chair Hannah Jacobsen, are currently planning the opening gala which is open to the public from 3.30-5.30pm on Friday 3 May. They plan to have live music, face painting, a sausage sizzle, a hoop shooting competition for all ages and prizes. They have even challenged Rotarians to a short basketball match. Interact are delighted that local sports personality and ex-Chiefs player Alex Bradley will perform the official opening. Matamata Rotarians Robert Stuart and Michelle Tanner have been supporting the Interactors with this project. “We have so impressed with the enthusiasm of the students. It has been very satisfying to see them work together so successfully to bring this facility to fruition.” And already Matamata College Interact are planning their next project. Watch this space!
Interact provides a new sports facility for Matamata
Michelle Tanner
2019-08-27 12:00:00Z |
Alex Bradley,Brooke Dunbar,Matamata College Interact,Molly Burgess-Munro,Patrick Roskam,Rotary Youth |
Posted by Michelle Tanner on Aug 28, 2019
Article published in The Scene 23 July 2019 New Zealand and Australia are well known for their trans-Tasman rivalry but that is not the case for students on the Rotary Australia New Zealand Exchange (RANZE) programme. You are more likely to see great friendships develop between the young people ‘matched’ on this six-month exchange which is aimed at year 10 and 11 students.  One such matched couple are year 10 Matamata College student Ruby Deare, and Abigail Martin from South Australia. Ruby applied for the exchange through Rotary Matamata and on being accepted was one of a team of six students who in July departed for Australia. Ruby and Abigail first met in April when the Australian students arrived in New Zealand. Students live for 12 weeks with their matched twin’s family. Ruby is an only child and her mother Miranda Thomson pointed out that learning to share was something Ruby had to learn very quickly. “And Abigail learned what it was like to live with a family very different from her own”. Both the girls have gained confidence during the exchange. Just this week Ruby has given a presentation to Abigail’s local Rotary club about her life here in Matamata and Abigail commented that she did things in New Zealand that took her out her comfort zone and that she would never have attempted before she joined this exchange. RANZE is open to students aged 13-16½ years but Miranda believes that year 10 is a great year for the exchange, before students start their NCEA’s. “I thought that participation in RANZE would move Ruby out her comfort zone, help her gain confidence and learn about a different culture. Already I can see the girls have formed a firm friendship. A beautiful bond.” From her current home in South Adelaide Ruby will join the other New Zealand students for a week-long ‘safari’ to the Blue Mountains and Sydney.
Rotary Australia New Zealand Exchange 2019 Ruby Deare
Michelle Tanner
2019-08-27 12:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 25, 2019
I am Stew Wadey and have been married to Margaret since 1979. Through tragic circumstances we became legal guardians for three young pre-teen girls in 1989 who are all are now mums with their own families. Our own two boys David and Philip were born over the next three years. After operating dairy farming businesses in the Tokoroa and Putaruru we moved to our Hinuera dairy farm in 2000. We have always been involved in our communities. I was a scout leader for nine years and recognised with the Chief Scouts Recommendation. I also spent nine years on the Te Waotu School Board of Trustees from 1991 to 2000. The community honoured my contribution with a brass plaque with our family name at that school! I had a role with the New Zealand Dairy industry communication to dairy farmers in the South Waikato for seven years and in 1999 I was involved in a proposed revamp of our dairy processing industry. I spent fifteen years as an elected local leader of the farmers lobby organisation, Federated Farmers of New Zealand Inc. and was the Waikato Provincial President from 2008 to 2011. I was humbled to be made a Life Member upon retirement in 2017.
Who are we? Stew Wadey
Stew Wadey
2019-08-24 12:00:00Z |
Matamata Rotarian Profiles,Stew Wadey |
Posted on Aug 14, 2019
Hi I’m Alice. I have been a member of the Matamata Rotary club for 2 years. I was first introduced to Rotary when I was at Matamata College by my Grandad when I got the amazing experience to head overseas as a Rotary Youth Exchange Student. I was selected to travel to Belgium for a year. It really was life changing. Being an exchange student showed me a different side of how people live and I believe it prepared me in the best way possible when heading in to university. More recently I was also chosen to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) – This was a week-long course which gave me new tools to take into my professional career. It pushed me to the outside of my comfort zone but I would do it again in a heartbeat!
Who are we? Alice Clothier
Alice Clothier
2019-08-13 12:00:00Z |
AliceClothier,Matamata Rotarian Profiles,Women in Rotary |
Posted on Jul 22, 2019
I am a semi- retired sheep and beef farmer. ‘Parakau’ the farm on which I live with my family has been in our family since 1943. On January 1st1960 my brother and I purchased ‘Makahiwi’ a central King Country farm and in 1994 we purchased ‘Moanahiwi’ also in the central King Country. ‘Makahiwi’ was sold in January 2019. Apart from sheep and beef farming I have had a lifelong interest in horses and farm dogs, and I have been involved in one way or another in polocrosse since 1969. I joined Rotary in 1988, it was one of the first organisations I had belonged to in which the members were not only farmers or rural people, and I have enjoyed meeting and mixing with people with a wide range of occupations and interests. I particularly enjoy the practical’ ‘working bees’. I have been involved in Rotary for 30 plus years now. For me, the highlight of my time in Rotary was in 2001 when, in my Presidential year, we hosted a fund-raising dinner for the New York Fire Department after the 9/11 attacks. The generosity of people and the amount of money raised was very special.
Who are we? Lachie Duncan
Lachie Duncan
2019-07-21 12:00:00Z |
Lachie Duncan,Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Posted on Jul 07, 2019
I was raised in a rural part of Auckland with my parents owning a free range chicken farm. I played lots of sports in my younger days namely netball, tennis and badminton. Employment was in secretarial roles with the Bank of New South Wales (now Westpac), ACC and NZI. I travelled extensively to the UK (worked in hospitality for a year), Europe and Canada before being married in 1987 and moving to Matamata in 1991 where we have been dairy farming since and raised two sons and a daughter.
Who are we? Lyn Dobbe
Lyn Dobbe
2019-07-06 12:00:00Z |
Lyn Dobbe,Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Posted by David Hulme on Jul 05, 2019
The event was held to help raise funds for five Matamata College students – Ollie Morton-Farrelly, Te Aorere Wharawhara, Olivia Goodwin, Mollie Allison and Conor Goodwin – who have all been selected to represent New Zealand in various volleyball events around the globe this year. Under the hammer of the incomparable John Price, and the organisation of David Hulme, the auction was a big success, raising more than $4,500. Rotarians from Morrinsville, including 2019-2020 District Governor Peter Maxwell, and Te Aroha joined in to increase the fun and add competition to the bidding.
Auction for NZ Reps
David Hulme
2019-07-04 12:00:00Z |
Auction,NZ Volleyball Reps |
Posted on Jul 04, 2019
My first introduction to Rotary was in 1960 with an RYE (young men in the workforce) exchange to Norway - a working passage there and a long drive home. I joined Matamata Rotary in 1988 – when our daughter was on a Rotary Student Exchange. I have a pastoral farming and land development background including meat and wool production in the King Country and Waikato, as well as a later involvement in dairying. I have also had farming interests in Hawkes Bay, Canterbury and Australia, as well as 32 years in both management and governance of large scale charitable corporate farming. Latterly I have been involved in commercial and residential property development. I have an ongoing leadership role in my local (Tirau) Community Church.
Who are we? Fred Barrett
Fred Barrett
2019-07-03 12:00:00Z |
Fred Barrett,Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Posted on Jul 04, 2019
I am a Matamata born and bred local, although I did escape overseas and to the bright lights of Auckland for a number of years. I have 2 sons, Jake who is 27 and currently living in Toronto and Luke, 25, a project manager in Auckland. My partner, John and I live on 15 acres just on the outskirts of town.
Who are we? Lynette Stanley
Lynette Stanley
2019-07-03 12:00:00Z |
Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Posted on Jul 03, 2019
My husband and I both joined Rotary Matamata in 2008, after I was invited to speak to Rotarians about vaccines. At that time I did not really know much about the organisation but realised it would be good networking for my husband who had recently joined a local business. I soon became very impressed by what the Rotary did in our town but it was when I learnt more about the Rotary Foundation (Rotary’s charity) and particularly polio eradication that I really ‘got’ what Rotary was all about. The global scope of the work Rotary does and how many lives it affects still blows me away!
Who are we? Michelle Tanner
Michelle Tanner
2019-07-02 12:00:00Z |
Matamata Rotarian Profiles,Michelle Tanner |
Posted on Jul 02, 2019
I am a practicing dentist in Matamata since 2004. A Malaysian by nationality, I am married to Santhy and have 2 sons. It was in 2015 that a patient of mine asked me to consider joining Rotary Matamata.
Who are we? Krishna Narayanasami
Krishna Narayanasami
2019-07-01 12:00:00Z |
Krishna Narayanasami,Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Posted on Jul 01, 2019
I was 30 years old when I joined Rotary Matamata and it was a decision I have never regretted. Even though I was the youngest member for some years, our membership today is now much more diverse in all areas.
Who are we? David Hulme
David Hulme
2019-06-30 12:00:00Z |
David Hulme,Matamata Rotarian Profiles |
Posted by David Hulme on May 01, 2019
Throughout 2019 Rotary clubs around the world are celebrating the 30th anniversary of opening membership to women and in February Rotary Matamata went all out with a specially themed ‘pink’ evening to mark the occasion. Prior to 1989, the worldwide service organisation had been a male bastion but for more than two decades prior to the initial introduction of female members, numerous clubs on different continents had petitioned to open the membership criteria to all regardless of gender. In 1991, Gaye Belton became the first female member of the Matamata Rotary and today her daughter Jane is one of our 11 female members. Two female Matamata Rotarians talk here about the organisation they belong to and what being a Rotarian has meant to them.
Women in Rotary
David Hulme
2019-04-30 12:00:00Z |
Glenda Milligan,Leonie Tisch,Michelle Tanner,Sheryl Ertel,Women in Rotary |
Posted by Michelle Tanner on Nov 02, 2018
Article first published in The Scene November 2019 Matamata Rotary were among millions of Rotarians reaching out on World Polio Day 24thOctober, to raise awareness and funds for polio eradication. Sometimes referred to as Purple Pinkie Day because, in developing countries, a child’s little finger or ‘pinkie’ is painted purple to avoid them being revaccinated in mass polio vaccination days. Purple was certainly on display in Matamata last week. Matamata Intermediate School students showed their support with a purple mufti day following a talk from Matamata Rotarian and District Polio Chair Michelle Tanner about the disease.
Purple Pinkie for Polio Day 2018 - Scene article
Michelle Tanner
2018-11-01 11:00:00Z |
End Polio Now,Purple Pinkie Day |
Many New Zealanders aged over 60 years have personal stories to tell about polio. Friends in callipers and wheelchairs, family members who died. Schools and swimming pools closed and public gatherings banned as epidemics swept the county. Polio, or poliomyelitis to give it it’s full name, is a virus that is spread from person to person, typically through contaminated water. There is no cure for polio but there are safe and highly effective vaccines to prevent the disease. The vaccines were invented in the mid-1950’s and their widespread use in our country is the reason why today, children don’t even know what polio is!
Purple Pinkie Day for Polio 2018
Michelle Tanner
2018-10-18 11:00:00Z |
EndPolioNow,PurplePinkieDay |
Posted by David Hulme on Jul 18, 2018
At the recent Rotary Changeover Ann Duncan and Leonie Tisch were award Paul Harris Fellowship pins. Ann for involvement in all aspects of the Matamata community and Leonie for outstanding year as the 2017-18 District 9930 Governor.
Rotary Matamata Changeover Awards 2018
David Hulme
2018-07-17 12:00:00Z |
Changeover,David Gasquoine,Peter Vossen |
Early in June four year 10 Matamata College students headed to Glen Murray for a weekend Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment, or RYPEN. RYPEN is designed to grow young people, providing them with the opportunity to work in teams with people they had never met before and learn some goal setting skills.
Rotary’s Youth Programme of Enrichment 2018
Michelle Tanner
2018-07-01 12:00:00Z |
Matamata Rotary is in the heart of the Waikato’s dairy farming region and always looking for ways to support their local community. One way we have been able to do this is to support the work of the Waikato-Hauraki-Coromandel Rural Support Trust.
Rural-Urban Dinner to Support Farmers
Michelle Tanner
2018-04-16 12:00:00Z |
Fundraising,Rural-Urban Dinner |
At Rotary Matamata we have a dream that Matamata will one day have a walkway that goes around the whole town. We have for many years worked towards this. In 2015 we established the Peria Road Reserve Memorial Grove and planted 100 kahikatea trees to commemorate 100 years since the First World War. On 14th February 2018 we opened the adjoining section the Stanley Farm Lane walkway. Read the full story, courtesy of the Matamata Chronicle.
Stanley Farm Lane walkway opening
Rexine Hawes
2018-03-06 11:00:00Z |
The best in potato growing gathered for the annual Spud in the Bucket competition. Growing methods were unveiled when Rotary Matamata held its weigh in for the annual Spud in the Bucket competition. The competition is a fundraiser for the service group, with funds going towards health and youth initiatives in the community.
Spud in a Bucket 2018
Rexine Hawes
2018-03-05 11:00:00Z |
Fundraising,Spud in a Bucket |
Each year Rotary Matamata holds a competition to see who can grow the most or biggest potatoes using only a bucket of compost, one seed potato and tender loving care. This fundraiser is great fun and very competitive!! Individuals and organisations purchase their spud-in-a-bucket in October, sow during Labour Weekend and the get 'weighed in' in March.
Michelle Tanner
2018-02-05 11:00:00Z |
In 2017 Rotary Matamata worked with Rotary clubs from Pakistan, India and USA and a local family trust to provide classroom facilities (furniture, blackboards, book shelves), create additional rooms (library, computer lab and a classroom) and renovate existing classrooms (adding floor tiles, wall plaster, ceiling, doors) for a school funded by the Rotary club of Jhang Saddar, Pakistan.
International Project: Rotary Literacy Centre, Jhang. The result
Michelle Tanner
2017-10-30 11:00:00Z |
Jhang,Rotary Literacy Centre |
In the same year that Rotary Matamata celebrates 70 years of service a new Rotary-sponsored club has been chartered in Matamata. On 27 August Matamata College Interact, led by Co-Presidents year 12 students Brooke Dunbar and Patrick Roskam, held a celebration to launch Matamata College Interact at Matamata Fire Station.
Interact launched at Matamata College
Michelle Tanner
2017-08-29 12:00:00Z |
Interact |
Posted on Jun 06, 2017
Rotary Opportunities for Matamata Youth
2017-06-05 12:00:00Z |
Posted by Michelle Tanner
Dog attacks in New Zealand have risen steadily over the last ten years reaching nearly 11,000 in 2016. We know many of the victims are children. So, when Rotary Matamata were asked if they would be interested in purchasing books for primary schools and kindergartens designed to teach children about keeping safe around dogs Public Image Director Krishna Narayanasami immediately saw the potential of the project.
Keeping kids safe around dogs
Michelle Tanner
2017-05-06 12:00:00Z |
Starfish Social Services is a not-for-profit community youth and family service addressing the holistic (emotional, physical, spiritual) needs of people and working alongside them to help achieve what's important to them. Rotary Matamata is proud to be in a partnership with Starfish supporting local youth.
Rotary Matamata supporting local youth social and health services
Michelle Tanner
2017-03-24 11:00:00Z |
Posted by Rexine Hawes
Peter Thissen had the job of weighing the spuds. Matamata has plenty of people with green fingers. Tried and true methods for growing potatoes were put to the test over the past few months, with people growing potatoes as part of Rotary Matamata's annual Spud in a Bucket competition.
Spud in a Bucket 2017
Rexine Hawes
2017-03-06 11:00:00Z |
Fundraising,Spud in a Bucket |
Posted by David Hulme
This story was featured Rotary Down Under Rotary Matamata’s second annual Concert by the Lake event is being hailed as a success with organisers now looking for ways to draw an even bigger crowd in 2017. Almost 300 people attended the concert, which was held on the property of Rotarians Peter and Ineke Thissen, in Matamata, New Zealand.
Concert by the Lake 2016
David Hulme
2017-03-01 11:00:00Z |
Posted by David Hulme
Leukaemia & Blood Foundation.
David Hulme
2015-12-13 00:00:00Z |
Posted by Ross Bay
In August 2014, Rotary Matamata received a letter from the School of St Jude in Tanzania thanking Rotarians for their sponsorship of one of the many school buses that are a vital part of the function of the school. The colourful letter expressed the joy the students have riding the bus and what life is like living at the school. Rotarian Ross Bay was leaving for Kenya and Tanzania at the end of August so he took it on himself to visit the school and find the student who had written the letter. This is his report…
St Judes School.
Ross Bay
2015-12-12 11:00:00Z |