Posted by Michelle Tanner on Aug 03, 2016
In 2016-17 Rotary Matamata will be providing financial assistance to a school in the poverty stricken district of Sadwar Colony in the city of Jhang, Punjab province, Pakistan. Current President Michelle Tanner visited the school in 2014 and was keen to make this her presidential year project.
The school is completely funded by the Rotary Club of Jhang Saddar. Many of the 175 children attending this primary school sit on the floor, often outside, have no furniture and still write with stone ‘pens’ on slates! The literacy rate in the area is between 3 %-8% and many of the population work as ‘garbage pickers’.

Rotary Matamata is partnering with La Jolla Golden Triangle Rotary Club in San Diego, California and the Rotary Club of Jhang Saddar to provide the school with extra classrooms, basic furniture, a library and basic computer facilities to comply with Pakistan education standards.
Michelle will be returning to the school in 2017 and looks forward to reporting back on the difference this project has made to the quality of education these children are receiving.
Please see our next article to see how our funds were spent and read about the opening ceremony. To find out more, please email us here