Rotary Matamata supporting local youth social and health services
Starfish Social Services is a not-for-profit community youth and family service addressing the holistic (emotional, physical, spiritual) needs of people and working alongside them to help achieve what's important to them. Rotary Matamata is proud to be in a partnership with Starfish supporting local youth.
The aim of Starfish is to strengthen relationships within the community and improve outcomes for youth and families across Matamata-Piako and South Waikato.
Rotary Matamata has supported the organisation since its inception, both financially and ‘hands on’ assisting with buildings/grounds improvements and providing volunteer support at youth led initiatives such as Road Rage and Starfish open days.

(Photo courtesy of Matamata Chronicle)
In 2017 Rotary Matamata is looking at assisting with capital development. Our last major donation of $10,000 in 2016, provided a much-needed van for Starfish. An article written by Rexine Hawes for the Matamata Chronicle at the time tells the story:
A partnership between two well-known Matamata organisations, means Starfish Social Services now has its very own vehicle.
Rotary Matamata have donated a used van to Starfish, for the use of transporting students to after-school programmes and various other projects.
Following a presentation at Rotary Matamata about Starfish and their work in the community, Starfish manager Jo McNaughton says Rotary Matamata, who shares a similar community approach, offered to partner with them and provide the van.
"We are very grateful for the support from Rotary and for the partnership that has developed between us."
Prior to this partnership, for two years Starfish had been using a van from Baigent Motors, which the company kindly provided to the community organisation.
Rotary Matamata immediate past president David Hulme says they felt the work of Starfish Social Services in the community was 'very worthy' of their support.
"We are very proud to be associated with Starfish and pleased that we could assist them with the purchase of this van. We believe the work that Jo and her team at Starfish undertake is vitally important in the lives of numerous young people in our town."
The $10,000 project came from a $4500 grant from Rotary District, which Matamata is part of, as well as Matamata Rotary's second annual Concert at the Lake.
Hulme says they are grateful to everyone who supported the annual Concert at the Lake, as it played a pivotal role in being able to assist Starfish.
"The public support we receive allows us to be able to positively assist our community."