What a fantastic week we have had with the privilege of having the Rotary World President come and visit us and open the dog park. I will have lots of photos and information on this in the next newsletter.
Our speakers last week were our two RYLA attendees Lianne Edwards-Maas and Alex Hoyt. These two young ladies spoke very highly of their RYLA experience and of what they gained from it. They thanked the Club for giving them the opportunity to go and both said that they would welcome the opportunity to encourage others to participate as well.
Team building, having to get everyone in your team... who you have only just met, to be wearing the same colored clothes.
High Ropes!!! Not for the faint hearted
Their own Master Chef food competition.
Mucking in and getting some work done.
Lianne's worst nightmare - Caving, of which she was petrified, but did it. Well done ladies.
Final presentation on the last day.
Alex, President Jane and Lianne.
Well done ladies, you are not only a credit to yourselves, but to our club as well in the effort you put in and the benefits you have taken from RYLA.
Message from incoming President Wade in regard to the Friendship Exchange from Wisconsin in November.
A little while ago I asked if members would like to host a guest from Wisconsin for the Rotary Friendship Exchange Program I am touching base to get names of members willing to host people on 16th,17th,18th November.
Please think about this and email me back, we are looking for 9 host families. (9 host families as we don't know if they are couples or single people, so we could end up only needing 6 host) There will be 12 guests.
I think this would be a great thing for the club to do as we can get to know other people. There will be activities planned through the day and you host them at night. (you may even be able to join in for the day activities?)
16th Saturday
17th Sunday
18th Monday
It doesn't land on a Rotary night but that's ok, we could do a potluck dinner one night, host cooks one night and go out for dinner another night. The organizers will try and match you up with guest of like.
They are wanting to know as soon as possible as they need to organize from there end.
Your incoming president
Also, for our Changeover.... from Wade
Calling all spy and agents you have been called to Matamata Rotary change over dinner.
If you except this mission, Please RSVP, with numbers and any dietary requirements to my email address linnellwade.gmail.com@clubrunner.email
Payment to Matamata Rotary (if you don't pay for a meal in your dues, you will need to pay the full $60.00)
I will need all the RSVP by Tuesday 18 June.
PS Please don't Pay into the charity account.
Don't forget it's not long till our changeover so please register.